New Report Shows Fossil Fuel Extraction Conflicts w/ Climate Goals

A new report from our friends at Oil Change International gives us still more motivation to stop Spectra-Enbridge in the Fore River Basin. You can access the full report here: Oil Change International - Drilling Towards Disaster: Why U.S. Oil and Gas Expansion Is Incompatible with Climate Limits

Excerpt: "A new study released by Oil Change International and 17 partner organizations examines the urgent need for U.S. leadership to manage a rapid and just decline of fossil fuel production.

The United States should be a global leader in winding down fossil fuel use and production. Instead, the U.S. oil and gas industry is gearing up to unleash the largest burst of new carbon emissions in the world between now and 2050. At precisely the time in which the world must begin rapidly decarbonizing to avoid runaway climate disaster, the United States is moving further and faster than any other country to expand oil and gas extraction." (Oil Change International)