Action Item -- Call Gov. Baker!

Action Item: CALL GOV. BAKER -- 617-725-4005

Gov. Baker let us down. He could have done something to protect MA residents from a toxic facility but he chose not to. Contact Gov. Baker and let him know how you feel. Express your disappointment in him for not taking steps to deny the air quality permit.

Call: 617-725-4005
Email: go here and copy his Chief of Staff at

Points to remind Baker of:

  • This air quality permit was issued against the objection of every legislator on the South Shore--from Quincy to Duxbury and parts of Plymouth County.

  • It was issued against the objections of the mayors of Weymouth, Quincy, and Braintree.

  • It was issued against the comments of over 1200 citizens of the South Shore and beyond. Letters, phone calls, and pleas went unheeded.

  • Approval of Enbridge's air quality permit was in spite of scientific data from Baker's commissioned study showing elevated air pollution and health problems already in the area, which includes two designated Environmental Justice neighborhoods.

  • With the expansion of fracked-gas infrastructure, he should be considering the fact that his Administration will not make the 2020 Global Warming Solutions Act mandates. 

  • A valid HIA is quantitative in nature and the HIA that he mandated states that it is not quantitative.

  • A valid HIA takes 18-24 months and costs about $1M. The HIA that he mandated was completed in 6 months with a budget of $100K. 

  • He did not follow through on the other two part of his mandate--to investigate safety and security and to address coastal resiliency as it applies to the siting of this compressor in a FEMA flood zone. 

  • His hands aren't "tied" and he does have a choice.  

Gov. Baker told all of us exactly what he thinks of our health, our environment, our economy, and of our very lives. He does not care. He has his final four years in office and will be richly rewarded by his friends in the gas industry.

Who do you serve, Gov. Baker?

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