Patriot Ledger Recap on Fight Against Compressor Station

Members of FRRACS recently met up with Jessica Trufant of The Patriot Ledger to talk about our fight against the compressor station and what's to come. You can read Jessica's detailed piece in the Ledger here. Many thanks to Jessica and The Patriot Ledger for keeping this front and center in the community.

Excerpt: "Spectra Energy planned to start building a 7,700-horsepower natural gas compressor station in March 2017 and to be pumping gas six months later.

But more than three years after the compressor station was first proposed in 2015, the gas company — now Spectra Energy-Enbridge — has yet to break ground, and is unlikely to do so in the near future.

“They would be pumping gas if it wasn’t for the orchestrated efforts by (Town Solicitor) Joe Callanan, outside counsel and the coordination of town departments, supplemented by the great work of citizen engagement,” Mayor Robert Hedlund said. “Coming in, we were a 90-10 underdog, and now I’d say we’re up to 20.”

The local fight against the compressor station is a lengthy, complicated flow chart of possible outcomes, with lawsuits and appeals possible for nearly every decision made by regulators. Lawyers for the town and neighbors are making a case against the compressor using a range of different arguments, including the gas company’s failure to follow regulations and the flaws in the plan itself." (The Patriot Ledger)


FRRACS wants everyone to know that along with the legal battles the Town of Weymouth is waging, that FRRACS is also waging simultaneous legal battles with Spectra/Enbridge. In coordination with the City of Quincy--who is footing our bill on the Federal level--and the Town of Weymouth, we have brought our case for a rehearing to the Circuit Court in Washington DC with our attorney Carolyn Elefant. We are waiting for the hearing date and will keep you all apprised. On the State level, FRRACS and our attorneys Michael and Lori Hayden just finished the Waterways and Wetlands appeals. We are awaiting any judgement on those two items. Again, we will keep you in the loop.

This is an expensive and arduous battle, Friends! Your support, your donations, and your spirit keep us all in the fight! We will prevail.