Action Item: Let the DEP know we need an air monitor

Action Item: Let the DEP know we need an Air Monitor!

*Use our form for a quick and easy way to submit comments* Comments are due December 14!

The Department of Environmental Protect (DEP) has set their schedule for air quality monitoring for 2019. Oddly enough, they have once again neglected the Fore River Basin. We are sure that you are shocked! The draft plan is available here.

In conjunction with Mothers Out Front, FRRACS would like to flood the DEP with letters requesting an air quality monitor for the Fore River Basin. As we know we are a Designated Port Area (DPA) and as we know that the DEP intends to allow as many polluters as possible into our neighborhood, the very least they could do is monitor the air quality. In fact, we have them on record and under oath stating that they intend to continue polluting our Basin. And currently there are NO air quality monitors in any DPA in the Commonwealth.

You can send a comment directly from our website using a form letter or you can send the letter directly from your own email account to

It is important that the DEP know we intend to enforce their mission statement: "We enforce laws that protect our air, land and water. We help cities and towns with local environmental issues. We write permits that support natural resources, public health and our economy. We inspect contaminated sites and ensure proper cleanup. We work with federal, state, local and citizen partners for a cleaner environment."

Thank you for all that you do!