Gov. Baker worms his way out of compressor question

Governor Baker made his monthly appearance on WGBH's afternoon radio show with Jim and Margery. Each time that he is on, we send out an alert asking folks to call and email their compressor-related questions to the Governor. We've successfully gotten through a handful of times now. Last month a FRRACS member asked Gov. Baker what he is going to do about the compressor station and he stated that he didn't have any say in the decision. This prompted news reports about Gov. Baker's role in all of this. We responded by explaining that though FERC makes the ultimate decision, Gov. Baker can absolutely speak out against the compressor and give political cover to agencies in his administration (i.e. CZM) that are repsonsible for approving or denying Spectra permits.

This month a FRRACS member made it through again and Gov. Baker again stated that this can only be addressed at the federal level. One individual had this to say about the situation: "It's so telling that Governor Baker stops at "It's out of my hands." He doesn't continue with "I am opposed to the Weymouth site."' We agree.

We aren't going to let him off of the hook that easy. We will continue to call Baker, visit his office and urge him to speak out.

To read more about yesterday's show with Gov. Baker and his response to the compressor station fight, click here.