Revealed: Gov. Baker has Close Ties to Spectra Lobbyists

For months we've been calling, writing, and emailing Governor Baker, urging him to speak out against the compressor station (or at least take action in some way or another). FRRACS supporters and friends have made hundreds of calls, collected thousands of petitions, and have visited his office in person. All of these communications have gone unanswered. Though we aren't surprised by his lack of response, we still believe that it is his job as a public official to respond to his constituents.

Beyond being pro-gas and fossil fuels, it has been revealed that he has close ties to Spectra lobbyists. Surprise, surprise.

Investigations have shown that Baker has a close relationship with ML Strategies, a lobbying company that has been pushing for Spectra's project in Massachusetts. This includes a close relationship with Bill Weld, former MA Governor and 2016 Vice-Presidential nominee, and ML Strategies lobbyist. Baker worked under Weld during his time in office and the two appear to have remained close ever since. The connections and close ties go beyond Weld and may explain why Baker is quiet on this issue.

You can read the full article on Desmogblog.

Thank you to Itai Vardi for uncovering this story.