We Need Your Help to Pay for an Attorney

Let us be as upfront and clear as we can be – the Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station needs money immediately for an attorney.

As you may be aware, FERC, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, just gave Spectra Energy Texas a Conditional Certificate of Convenience (permit) on January 25, 2017 for the Atlantic Bridge project. This means that Spectra can move forward with its plans to place a 7700 HP compressor in the Fore River Basin.

Not only this, FERC did this behind closed doors with no public notice because they were aware that there would have been a large public outcry if it was put on their agenda.  In addition, FERC Chairman Norman Bay resigned on January 27th, so they will not have a quorum to vote on permits after February 3rd.

The good news is that we have retained the services of DC Attorney Carolyn Elefant, the foremost expert in dealing with FERC.  She not only worked with the Delaware Riverkeepers and Food & Water Watch, but also filed the brief against Spectra on the segmentation of the AIM pipeline that runs through West Roxbury.

This will be a long fight in the courts, but with your help, we can win! Our first step is to file for a rehearing. FRRACS is an intervenor on the Atlantic Bridge project and so has legal standing to demand a rehearing.

Will you help us out at this critical time?  Any amount, $10, $20, $50, $100 or $200, as little or as much as you can afford, will help us toward our immediate goal of $5,000 and our long-term goal of $10,000.

You can donate directly here, you can attend our next meeting at the Fore River Club in Quincy on February 14th and drop a check or cash in the donation bucket, or you can mail a check payable to FRRACS to Laura Borth, 16 Farm Street, Weymouth, MA 02190.

So please make your most generous donation to FRRACS today, by mail or online, to pay for the top legal counsel. Together we can say no to FERC and stop this toxic explosive compressor here in our shared home of the Fore River Basin.  

Thank you for your continued support.