FERC Grants Spectra Conditional Approval

Our fight just got a bit steeper. FERC granted Spectra "Conditional Approval" for Atlantic Bridge today. Though we've been anticipating this approval for some time now, it is still unsettling news. Spectra is missing dozens of permits and there is still a stay on the project on behalf of CZM.

The good news is that we have retained the services of DC Attorney Carolyn Elefant, the foremost expert in dealing with FERC.  She not only worked with the Delaware Riverkeepers and Food & Water Watch, but also filed the brief against Spectra on the segmentation of the AIM pipeline that runs through West Roxbury.

This will be a long fight in the courts, but with your help, we can win! Our first step is to file for a rehearing. FRRACS is an intervenor on the Atlantic Bridge project and so has legal standing to demand a rehearing.

As we sort through the documents (we encourage you to do so, too), we will be fundraising for the attorney. Can you help us out by pitching in whatever you can afford? Our immediate goal is $5,000 and our long-term goal is $10,000. You can donate here.

Thank you!