NVDA Training

We're holding a Nonviolent Direct Action training on Tuesday, January 24. The training will be led by The FANG Collective. You can sign-up here!

As we head into 2017, our fight against Spectra and the compressor station will not be slowing down. Though Spectra has not received any of their permits or a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from FERC, we know that that could change quite quickly. So it is important that we prepare ourselves for any of the possible outcomes.

If you want to learn more about NVDA (Non-Violent Direct Action), please join us! Taking part in direct action doesn't necessarily mean risking arrest; we encourage everyone to join us for the training, as it is a useful and important tactic to learn about.


The FANG Collective, who has a wealth of experience in non-violent resistance, will be facilitating the training. The FANG Collective works to build, support and escalate nonviolent resistance to the natural gas industry, while supporting other movements for justice. During this training, they will provide a thorough overview of NVDA and what it might look like to participate in a direct action.

The training will be on:

Tuesday, January 24th
Fore River Club - 16 Nevada Rd., Quincy

Sign-Up here so that we can plan and prep accordingly

For more info on The FANG Collective, you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.