FRRACS Joins the #PeopleOverPipelines March!

A big thank you to all of the organizers, marchers, and supporters of the #PeopleOverPipelines march, it was a big success!

On Saturday, 75 people gathered at the compressor site to kick-off the Weymouth leg of the march. We were joined by State Senator O'Connor, Councilor Haugh, Councilor Croall, and Rep. Murphy, among many others. Forty people left the site and crossed the Fore River Bridge en route to West Roxbury. It was a hot day, but a lot of fun! After 13 miles, 15 gallons of water, and thousands of steps, we made it to West Roxbury. Take a look at some of the pictures below!

And on Monday, nearly 300 people gathered at the State House to remind Governor Baker that we're in this fight for the long haul. We are urging him to not support the #PipelineTax.