Sec. Beaton Denies Mayor Hedlund's Request

Breaking news: Sec. Beaton has rejected Mayor Hedlund's request for a comprehensive assessment of the cumulative effects of all gas pipelines and infrastructure in the Commonwealth.

While we are unhappy with this news, it comes as little surprise to us that Sec. Beaton would follow Gov. Baker's push toward more fossil fuels in the state via Spectra and Kinder Morgan pipelines.

Gov. Baker and Sec. Beaton are ignoring, at their peril, the mandates of the Global Warming Solutions Act and the recent SJC decision on the GWSA.

Thanks to Mayor Hedlund and all who petitioned Sec. Beaton. It was certainly worth a try to ask our elected officials and their department heads to take care of the people and the climate of the Commonwealth. After all, why else did we elect them?

You can read Secretary Beaton's letter here.