FRRACS Presentation on Municipal Rights

This month, FRRACS will host a presentation on municipal rights at our monthly meeting. Please spread the word and join us!

FRRACS presentation on Municipal Rights

On Tuesday, July 12th, the Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station will present an evening with Terra Friedrichs, socially-conscious Business Consultant, Legislative Activist, Organizer and Citizen who will speak about using municipal rights to fight for the communities that we deserve.

Terra is formerly an elected official (Selectman, Acton) and is currently a small business owner and concerned citizen. She is co-founder of the PassMass Amendment. She speaks around the state on municipal rights, sharing what she has learned with public officials and other concerned citizens.

When:  Tuesday, July 12th at 6:30 PM
Where:  The Fore River Club, 16 Nevada Rd., Quincy

The Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station encourages local officials and residents to attend this informative evening to learn about using municipal rights to fight Spectra Energy Texas' proposed compressor station and expanded fracked gas pipelines in Weymouth, Quincy, and Braintree.

Please spread the word and join us!

There will be bumper stickers and yard signs available at the meeting, too!