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Hearing on Gas Leaks Ordinance

  • Boston City Hall City Hall Square Boston, MA United States (map)

Gas leaks run rampant throughout the state. Yet, Spectra and others want to expand pipeline capacity to bring in more natural gas. Why not just fix the gas leaks?

There is a hearing On July 12 on Boston's Gas Leak Ordinance  -- noon at City Council chambers, Boston City Hall. If you can't attend, call your councilor at 617-635-3040 and urge her/him to support the ordinance. We need to fix the leaks now and start cleaning up Boston’s climate footprint!

The proposed ordinance, which was developed by Boston Climate Action Network (BCAN) and their gas leak coalition with Councilor Matt O'Malley. The ordinance says:

  • All the gas leaks in Boston should be fixed in six years (instead of the 20 years that National Grid plans to take).
  • Gas leaks must be graded for volume as well as safety. (That way we can fix the “superemitters” first and bring down Boston’s methane footprint fast.)
  • The utilities must improve their leak monitoring and reporting. (At the end of last year, 30% of National Grid’s leaks simply disappeared from their list for no good reason.)
  • National Grid must repair all leaks under streets that are being opened up.
  • The utility will be fined if leaks recur within five years.
  • Leak work must comply with the Boston Residents Jobs Policy (at least 50% of workers must be Boston residents, 25% minority, and 10% women).
  • The utility must report safety and health incidents to the City and must provide a list of the chemicals and concentrations in the gas.
  • The utility must replace trees and shrubs on public land that are damaged or killed by gas.

A more detailed summary of the ordinance is on BostonCAN’s website.