PHMSA (Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration) is coming to Weymouth on June 17 to discuss safety concerns relating to the proposed compressor station. This is an important meeting, so we need to pack the room. This will be the first time that we will have the ears of PHMSA listening to our safety concerns. (You can read more about the meeting here.)
Can you help us pass out flyers on Saturday June 1 or June 8? This will be a simple “Lit Drop” which you means you just have to leave a flyer in people’s doors (not their mailbox). We will give you a stack of flyers and a canvass map. Meet us at the proposed compressor station site (map below) between 10am-12 pm to grab a stack of flyers and your map!
Sign up here below if you can make it. Thanks!
We will be meeting at the proposed compressor station site in Weymouth (55 Bridge Street). See the map below.