Help us distribute flyers to inform people about our new health project, Telling the Stories. We need folks to hand out flyers in neighborhoods located near the proposed compressor station site. You don’t have to knock on doors, unless you want to. Simply place a flyer in the door (NOT in mailboxes — that is illegal), and that’s it! Thanks to you, we have distributed over 600 flyers but have a lot left to do!
Date and Time: Saturday, April 20 at 10 AM
Meeting location: 55 Bridge Street, North Weymouth (proposed compressor station site) - scroll down for a map
Let us know if you can make it by filling out the form below:
Can’t join us on April 20? Print out the flyer and pass it out when you have time. Remember - no mailboxes! PDF - Color | PDF - Black & White
More info about Telling the Stories: We who live in the Fore River Basin are keenly aware of the toxic legacy of the industrialization of our coastal home. Here at FRRACS we have heard story after story of cancers, asthma, and autoimmune disorders--many of these illnesses familial and generational.
FRRACS is undertaking a project to document the health stories of those who have lived with this issue. We will be working to collect your stories by video, by recordings, and by writing. We will make a short documentary film that will be premiered at a very special meeting in the fall. In preparation for filming, we will be holding four community meetings to explain the project and to give people an opportunity to share their story.
April 25 from 7:00 - 9:00PM at the Whipple Senior Center - McElroy Rm. in N. Weymouth
May 7 from 6:30 - 8:30PM at the Thayer Public Library in Braintree
May 22 from 6:30 - 8:30PM at the Germantown Community Center in Quincy
June 6 from 7:00 - 9:00PM at the Fore River Clubhouse in Quincy
There will be a short presentation about the toxicity of the Fore River Basin, as well as an overview of our project, followed by some Q&A, and opportunity to share your stories. Each meeting will be the same, so you only need to attend one.
Meeting location map: