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Fossil Fuel Industry Conference - Standout

  • Seaport Hotel 1 Seaport Lane Boston, MA, 02210 United States (map)

Enbridge, the Canadian company pushing the fracked-gas compressor station in Weymouth, is a lead sponsor of this year’s “Energy Trade and Technology Conference.” The event will be taking place on Wednesday and Thursday, November 20-21, at Boston’s Seaport Hotel. This is a great opportunity to let them know that their toxic presence isn’t welcome here or anywhere.

Since Enbridge has spent significant money to be a platinum sponsor at the event, we want to give them their money’s worth of bad publicity by picketing the entire event. The people Enbridge wants to impress need to know that we won’t just sit back and watch them build this monstrosity in the Fore River!

Not only would the compressor station further pollute the dangerous air quality of the Fore River Basin, but it would allow energy companies to export fracked-gas to Europe and accelerate global warming. Now that the utilities have said the compressor station isn’t needed, and the people won’t let them build it, let’s hammer the message that the compressor station is a STRANDED ASSET.

The conference will be held on Wednesday, November 20 from noon - 7:30PM and on Thursday, November 21 from 7:30AM - 2:30PM. We are planning a peaceful protest and picket with signs to cover several entry points of the hotel.  Please fill out this form to let us know if you or your group could stand outside to hold signs for a period of time on either day of the conference. We won't be able to cover the whole conference, so we encourage groups to show up with signs whenever they can.

Sample messaging for signs:

Enbridge, you are not welcome here or anywhere.

Enbridge's proposed compressor station is a toxic asset.

The fossil fuel industry is a toxic asset.

#NoWeymouthCompressor or Stop the Compressor Station

Email us with questions: Thank you!

Earlier Event: November 19
NVDA Training
Later Event: November 20
Weekly Standout