As you may know, the State has until Friday, January 11, 2019 to issue--or not--the Air Quality Determination for the proposed compressor station. This is will be a pivotal point in our fight to stop this dangerous and unnecessary gas infrastructure. We will let you know, as soon as we know, the outcome of this decision.
Can you join us for a rally at the Park next to the proposed compressor station site at 50 Bridge Street this Saturday (January 12, 2019) at 1:00 PM?
If Governor Baker's DEP denies this Determination (the step before the granting of the full permit), let's show our thanks to the Governor for setting the correct tone for his department.
If Governor Baker's DEP approves the Determination, let's remind the Governor who he serves--we the citizens of the Basin and the South Shore and NOT the gas industry.
We will have a short press release and speaking time, but mostly we just want to show our strength of conviction against this toxic invasion of our shared community.
We will have signs available, but we love your homemade signs--so bring them along!
There is parking available next to the Park and in Lovell's Grove on the Calpine side of 3A (see map below). We look forward to seeing you there!