FRRACS welcomes you to join us for a pet blessing in the park. All faiths and no faith are welcome to attend. The event will be held at the public park that is located next to the proposed compressor station site. Come enjoy a nice day in the park with your pets from 2-4pm on Saturday, October 20. The pet blessing will begin at 3pm and will be led by Rev. Gretchen Elmendorf and Rev. Betsy Sowers.
Pets must be on a leash or in a crate/carrier. If your pet gets nervous in social settings, you are welcome to bring a photo of them. Beloved stuffed animals are also welcome.
Please bring a donation of pet food for the South Shore Pet Food Pantry.
Directions: The park is located at 6 Bridge Street in North Weymouth immediately next to the Fore River Bridge. The entrance to the park is on your right just before you go over the Fore River Bridge (on the Weymouth side). See map below for details.
RAIN DATE: Saturday, October 27 from 2-4pm