Contact the Town before the Pre-hearing to Review ConCom's Appeal!

On Monday, October 17th, there will be a pre-hearing to review the Conservation Commission's appeal of MassDEP's Superseding Order of Conditions (SOC).

As you might remember, the MassDEP recently completed their review of Spectra's request for an SOC. They essentially approved the SOC, subject to certain conditions. One of those conditions being that they seed their work space areas, upon project completion.  This all originally stems from the ConCom's decision to deny Spectra's wetland permit back in May.

Contact the Town!

Prior to the hearing, we are asking folks to contact the town and urge them not to accept ANY settlement on the project. Below are sample email and call scripts that you can use to when you contact the town. We need to hold our elected officials accountable and make sure they do the right thing. The more phone calls and emails that they receive, the better.

In addition to contacting the town before the hearing, we encourage folks to attend the hearing to observe and bear silent witness.

We will not be allowed to speak, but our presence will still have a strong impact. You can wear your "No Compressor" T-shirts, too, if you'd like.

Monday, October 17th at 10AM

MassDEP Southeast Office 20 Riverside Dr # 1 Lakeville, MA

Suggested email script:

Send your email to Mayor Hedlund:


I understand that there is an upcoming pre-hearing conference on October 17th to try to force the town to come to an agreement with Spectra on the Atlantic Bridge project. As a resident of Weymouth/concerned individual, I request that the town comes to no agreement with Spectra in regards to Atlantic Bridge. There is no compromise that is acceptable. The protection of our wetlands and environment is of the utmost importance to me.

Thank you for your time.



Suggested call script:

Phone number: 781-340-5012

Hi, my name is ______.

I'm calling in regards to the upcoming pre-hearing conference on October 17th to try to force the town to come to an agreement with Spectra on the Atlantic Bridge project. As a resident of Weymouth/concerned individual, I request that the town comes to no agreement with Spectra in regards to Atlantic Bridge. There is no compromise that is acceptable. The protection of our wetlands and environment is of the utmost importance to me. Thank you.